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IHC experiments to detect PEG were conducted to further examine the relationship between the administration of Jintrolong® and the development of vacuolation hinein the CP. As shown rein Figure 4, no PEG staining was detected rein the brain CP rein animals of the control group (Figures 4A–C) or the 0.3 mg/kg group (Figures 4D–F). However, positive anti-PEG welches observed rein animals at 1 Magnesium/kg (Figure 4G) and with an even stronger staining signal at 3 mg/kg (Figure 4J).

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Dr. Zee hält den Verbotsplan der niederländischen Regierung pro “einen klaren Kardinalfehler, der bald berichtigt werden wird”. Er plädiert hierfür, dass seine Kreation längs legal existieren darf, sogar sobald er die Risiken des Konsums nicht abstreitet.

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Since the vacuolation rein CP was Jintrolong® dose- and time-dependent, the vacuolation hinein CP welches likely induced by Jintrolong®, which welches further confirmed by the PEG presence in the vacuolation by EMT and IHC described afterward.

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The cause of ISS remains unknown and children with ISS have üblich birth weight and GH levels. It is postulated that it is due to genetic aberrations along the GH-insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) pathway and hinein the short stature homeobox-containing (SHOX) gene (4). The purpose of treatment is to enable individuals with ISS to attain weit verbreitet, or close to häufig, adult height and avoid any psychological issues that come with extreme or unacceptable short stature.

Additionally, TEM examination of the brain CP also showed a trend toward recovery from vacuolation after a 104- and 157-week recovery period. In the same dose group, the 104-week recovery period group showed fewer and smaller vacuoles compared with the group without any recovery period, and the 157-week recovery group showed even fewer and smaller vacuoles.

Jintropin may help improve brain function. Beurteilung that it is forbidden to use this drug during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Those Weltgesundheitsorganisation suffer from diabetes or cancer should avoid using Jintropin as well.

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